PowerCLI – Useful single liners

Vm’s and space details Find Thick provisioning Vm’s in a datastore Find VM’s migration failed VM’s (in last 5 days) Find the Specific events across multiple hosts in a vCenter (Below example we are checking for Down state) Find a Specific OS VM’s count (Below case we are looking for Windows 7 vm’s) Find OS […]

Azure Basics – Service Principal creation

Service principal in Azure is used for accessing the Azure resources by third-party applications, automation tools, and applications. An Azure admin can control the access level for these Service principals and it’s always a better approach to provide only required privileges than an application required to access the resources. Service Principal is a kind of […]

Horizon Cloud on Azure – Introduction [Part-1]

At this moment while writing this post VMware Horizon cloud having 2 offerings Horizon Cloud on Azure Horizon Cloud on IBM cloud (Hosted Infrastructure) For this blog, we will concentrate on the Horizon Cloud on Azure.Horizon cloud-primarily used to deliver desktops & apps using scalable deployment architecture.By using horizon cloud one can leverage fast provisioning […]