To create a session desktop or application assignment, first, we must create an RDSH Servers farm.
What is a Farm:
It’s a collection of RDSH servers and used to provide session-based desktops or applications for multiple users.
Step by step Guide:
- Import Server OS VM by selecting Domain Join
- The above process (Image import –> Install roles –> Restart VM –> Installing Agents –> Restart VM –> Bootstrapping –> Restart VM –> Import successful) will take anywhere between 20-30 mins to complete
- Convert the Imported VM to Image
–> Select the VM
–> Click on MORE
–> Select Publish to Images
–> Wait till Agent status changes to Active
–> Provide Company Name
–> Provide Local admin credentials of the VM
–> Click on PUBLISH - Navigate to Monitor –> Activity, In the Admins section of the Activity page we can see the task progress. Wait till the task is completed
- Now we can see the image in the Images section
- With the RDSH image now create a FARM
- Click on Farms (from the left pane under Inventory section)
- Click on NEW
- Provide the required details (Name of the Farm, Farm Type, VM Names to begin with, Model, Disk type, Image, Min & Mac VM’s & Session per VM)
- Click on NEXT
- Provide Rolling Maintenance details (serer auto-reboot /rebuild window) and create a Power Management schedule to minimize costs
- Click on NEXT
- Change Load Balancing details
- Click on NEXT
- Review the Summary and SUBMIT
- Farm creation with a provided number of servers will take some time. Please wait till the Status changed to a green color circle
Progress can be seen from Monitor –> Activity - Now farm created and it’s time to create an Assignment
- Since we have created Applications farm, this farm won’t appear is session-based desktops
- Before creating an Application assignment, first, we must scan the applications
- Expand Inventory (from left side pane) –> click on Applications
- Click on Remote
- Click on NEW —> Auto-Scan from Farm
- Select the POD and Farm then click on NEXT
- Wait till the Applications will get auto-discover and select required Applications then click on NEXT
- Click on NEXT if Ok with defaults
- Check the Summary of selections and Click Finish
- Now we have added the Applications, Let’s go and create an Applications assignment
- Click on Assign Desktops & Apps and click VDI & RDSH
- Click on NEW and select Applications
- Select the POD & provide a name to Assignment Name then click NEXT
- Select the Required Applications to Publish in Assignment then click NEXT
- Provide the Security Group name required access to this Assignment then click NEXT
- Check the Summary of selections and Click SUBMIT
- Now the Assignment created and Users from the assigned security groups can launch the applications