We have discussed how to import post man collection in the last post, in this post let’s see how we can use them
The very first we must authenticate to Horizon tenant with the credentials.
taAddress –> Horizon tenant Login portal FQDN (Ex: – thecloudwiki.com)
Table of Contents
Login to the tenant
In the postman collections, Navigate to Tenant_General –> Login
This is a POST call where we have to input Username, password & Domain info as well change the taAddress to the tenant URL.
After entering the required details, Click on Send
If Authentication is successful, you will see the output on Headers section below
Note down the Authorization & x-dt-csrf-header Values
Get the pool details
Tenant_Pool_Management –> Get_Pools
In the Headers section –> enter the Authorization value received from the step-1
Specific pool info
Tenant_Pool_Management –> Get_Pool_Attributes
In the Headers section –> enter the Authorization value received from the step-1
Copy the pool id from section-2 and input in the URL in place of pool_id
Get VM details from specific pool
Tenant_Pool_Management –> Get_All_VMs_In_A_Pool
In the Headers section –> enter the Authorization value received from the step-1
Copy the pool id from section-2 and input in the URL in place of pool_id
This includes each VM in the pool agent state, version, mac, session allocation and many other details.
User Activity Report
To get the report first we must perform a post call to generate report and by using the generated job id we can download report using a GET call
Tenant_Initialize_And_Download_Report –> Initialize_All_User_Activity_Report
In the Headers section –> enter the Authorization & x-dt-csrf-header values received from the step-1
Now copy the String (output body section) generated from above
Tenant_Initialize_And_Download_Report –> Download_User_Activity_Report
Input the above string in jobid –> value
once we submit, Save Response –> Save to a file
Output will be like below
Get all Tasks info
We can generate a JSON output of all pool tasks
dt-rest –> Tenant –> Task_Management –> Get_All_Tasks
In the Headers section –> enter the Authorization & x-dt-csrf-header values received from the step-1
Likewise, we have many API calls in the postman collection can be used for pool creation/expansion/modification, VM’s deletion and generating info like Active sessions, farm details, capacity info and etc